TNK Flex by Actiu is executive task seating with high-performance technology which is expected to meet the user’s needs in an intuitive way, by adapting itself to the morphology and movements of the human body, while adjusting the spine and the seat as if it were a second skin. It combines features, quality, ergonomics, design and competitiveness.It offers breakthrough ergonomic performance, as it straightens up and supports the spine automatically with every movement, without the user having to activate any mechanism. TNK Flex is underpinned by and based on technology that is used in lorry driving cabs, a suspended seat that provides a feeling of being weighed down.The area in contact with the user is equipped with air chambers in the seat’s foam, an innovation applied to office seating that boosts compression and decompression, so that the seat supports, absorbs and adapts its shape to the user’s specific needs, creating a feeling of balance and wellbeing. The seat is the point from which the user is supported by a completely adaptable back, (height, tilt, torsion) that interprets the user’s movements and pre-empts them, which leads to total freedom of movement during their daily work, while maintaining correct posture and maximum efficiency at all times.
Actiu’s TNK Flex seating, awarded with the German Design Award