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Acoustical design solutions for everyday environments

Sound absorbing panels are a very good option to avoid excessive sound reverberation in closed spaces. These multi-functional treatments can be hung on walls or ceilings to effectively absorb sound waves, improving speech intelligibility and acoustical comfort. he more panels you put up, the more energy you will absorb.

5° GO-DO is designed by Gensler & Associates International Limited for OKAMURA. The new line-up features felt-made acoustic panels for echo and noise absorption. The panels effectively absorb speech frequencies, ranging from approximately 500 to 1000 Hz. Each panel has magnets on the backside corners, making it easy to mount on steel partitions without any tools. It improves acoustic environment by covering the entire wall or a small area according to room size and needs. There are 4 designs, categorized into Creative or Modern panels.

The Creative panels are based on simplistic designs which allow for a creative twist, most suitable for meeting rooms and lobbies, while the Modern panels take a more graphical approach, adding a sense of edge to interior. Available in 3 shades of gray, the panels may be combined with different designs and shades to match surrounding décor.

Okamura’s environmental priorities in product design and assessment ensure the delivery of safe, eco-conscious products that give consumers peace of mind. Keeping clean air : the furniture is a critical part of any office space. This is another factor that motivates Okamura to protect the air. quality of offices.

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