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Changes in the way people work, hybrid working made possible by paradigm shifts in companies, and the flexibility made possible by technological developments – all of this is giving rise to a ‘wind of freedom’ that is increasingly pushing people in Europe away from the bondage of work. A closer look at this issue of Ergonoma Journal, which is European in essence, reveals a number of liberty. Practical liberty, with equipment that allows us to move around, that helps us maintain good health. The liberty we create by making choices for a clean future with sustainable businesses, a whole dossier accompanied by European examples is devoted to this. And the models of acquired liberty that we were able to meet at the Workspace expo in Paris or that we are meeting these days in Strasbourg at the Péventica trade fair. Designers, architects and industrial publishers are offering ‘made-to-measure’ solutions for greater liberty to work and live in good health. There are also examples of new processes being put in place to improve and prevent accidents in the workplace: breaking free from old codes and traditional patterns to promote new ways of doing things and seeing the world of tomorrow. It all starts today.

 For nearly 20 years, Ergonoma journal has been working with you, and on your behalf, relentlessly seeking out emerging solutions. Liberty is something to be cherished and protected, because there is the liberty we acquire – and in Europe we have a duty to be vigilant – and there is the liberty we conquer by dint of hard work, research and creativity.

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