The importance of footrests at work

We keep telling you that sitting, especially in the office, is not good for your health. Even though the general public is now aware and uses more and more ergonomic equipment, most desks are not adjustable in height (except sit-stand). This forces workers to raise their seats to have their forearms aligned at their workstation. As a result, the feet are often off the ground. And that is bad for your health. The posture will generate musculoskeletal disorders or back pain. So that the workstation can be adjusted according to its user and not the other way around, it is necessary to be equipped with footrests. Zoom on the unsuspected benefits of this little accessory that is not necessarily glamorous.

Benefits all over the body

As mentioned above, the main benefit of the footrest is that it makes you adopt a natural posture when you are seated. Your back is thus automatically glued to the seat. This decreases the pressure on the lower back. The same goes for the shoulders. Domino effect, your lower limbs are better irrigated. If the seat has a tilting mechanism, the entire blood circulation is improved. The thighs are no longer under continuous pressure from the seat, which greatly reduces feelings of discomfort and fatigue. Finally, the feet are flat which decreases pressure points and facilitates circulation.

Better productivity at your workstation

It is undeniable, all of these combined benefits for the body improve productivity at work. First of all, improving blood circulation decreases fatigue. Less fatigue means more work capacity and greater tone. The absence of seat pressure, especially on the thighs, reduces physical pain. You can forget about your body for a moment in order to concentrate on your tasks.

The proof: gamers use it

Proof of its effectiveness, the footrest is used more and more as competition equipment. Of video game competition more exactly. The professionals of the discipline become stars and earn salaries that are sometimes comparable to the greatest footballers. They equip themselves with care. This is how gamer footrest ranges came into being.

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There is something for every taste. While some simply seem to stand out for their fashion side, others bring real benefits. Like the Campfire Footrest, from Steelcase at just under 115 euros on its own site. We can also mention the Ergo Foot Rocker by Humanscale, sold at a slightly higher price (209 euros). It has the particularity of using ball bearing rollers. Making movement easier and encouraging a more active sitting position for you. It is also made of 99% recyclable material. The footstool of the 21st century, would it simply be the one that allows you to take your shoes off. Shoes can be stressful on your feet, let’s not forget. Last point (and not the least), the majority of the products seem very often shipped already assembled.

The footrest is thus an object whose benefits for the whole body are too often forgotten. In addition, you can equip yourself with ergonomic objects (often quite expensive), such as a seat, its effect will be limited if your feet do not touch the ground and your posture is poor. Well-being therefore begins with a footrest.