Valdelia launches a strong operation to promote the circular economy

The ecological revolution in furniture manufacturing is underway! Founded in 2011, Valdelia is an eco-organization approved by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Its mission is to collect and recycle waste furnishings. Today, Valdelia goes further and intends to make a clear impact on the sector. She has just announced the launch of 2 projects.

First: a new website for furniture professionals. It provides many freely accessible resources to produce more sustainable. Deuxio with the creation of several material libraries throughout the territory. The goal ? Guarantee a supply of materials and re-used parts for manufacturers and other stakeholders. To make manufacturing from recycled products as easy as pie.

These 2 initiatives also invite stakeholders to enter into a circular economy logic. As a reminder, the circular economy aims to go beyond the linear economic model of extracting, manufacturing, consuming and disposing. All this while calling for a sober and responsible consumption of natural resources and primary raw materials as well as, in order of priority, for the prevention of waste production. Zoom in on these 2 significant advances for a greener world.

A website for true ecology

The Valdevia expert site is a true online encyclopedia. Completely free to access, it allows professionals in the sector:

  • To find a catalog of solutions to produce in a more sustainable way, in particular by limiting consumption and waste.
  • To find a catalog of solutions to produce in a more sustainable way, in particular by limiting consumption and waste. To have access to a catalog of proven experiments, between innovation and R&D. In short, new systems which have proved to be technically, socially and economically reliable.
  • To browse videos, tutorials, studies and conferences on different themes. Such as fitting out spaces with second-life furniture, extending their lifespan through repair and renovation, optimizing the second life of a fleet of furniture, or even integrating reuse materials. in existing furniture models.

All in a clear desire to generalize recycling in the manufacturing process. In other words, the circular economy. All that’s missing is the physical, the real for the service to be complete. In this case, second life materials. Valdelia intends to offer them in material libraries, which will emerge all over France at the start of the school year.

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Budding material libraries

After launching a call for tenders last July to set up material libraries on national territory, Valdevia will begin to give the starting signal for their locations. This is a first in the professional furniture waste industry. How does it work ? The furniture is first dismantled. The components will then be stored in the material libraries. Manufacturers and players in the circular economy will thus be able to access a large stock at a lower cost.

For the eco-organization, it is a way for as many people as possible to understand in concrete terms that our goods today are our resources for tomorrow. And that any piece of furniture adapts very well to a second life. It should be noted that Valdevia had already tried to bring together all the players in the circular economy. The circular booster, built around the theme of used professional furniture.

Eco-organization, Valdevia is also proof that the public authorities are taking action in terms of sustainable development. And above all of the circular economy, a subject that was still confidential a short time ago. Stemming from systemist thought, she had left the geography amphitheatres to become an ecological hobbyhorse. And soon from all over the world.