Valdelia launches its marketplace dedicated to the second life of professional furniture

Valdelia, you may know, is a major French player in the circular economy. As a reminder, the circular economy aims to go beyond the linear economic model of extracting, manufacturing, consuming and disposing. An economy that values recycling, the recovery of all waste. Valdelia is an eco-organization that has received approval from French Ministry of Ecological Transition. Its mission is to collect and recycle furnishings waste .

After launching an online resource base and material libraries all over the country, on November 17, Valdelia announced a new project by press release. It is a marketplace dedicated to the second life of professional furniture. His name is Nemo-pro. It aims to be “a united and collaborative digital platform to support players in the circular economy”. What will this new project of a very active French eco-organization look like?

The objectives: connect all actors of the sector

Nemo-Pro, operational since November 17, aims to allow partners of the furniture’s second life from the eco-organization to sell their products online. Partners such as companies in the social and solidarity economy or resellers of second-hand or re-used furniture. Thanks to Nemo-pro, they can now:

  • Create an online store
  • Show their know-how to furniture professionals
  • Trying to find new markets

The goal ? Professional furniture distributors and space planners, members of Valdelia, can get in touch with the structures created. There is a growing demand for eco-responsible professional furniture. “Valdelia wishes to enable the players in the sector to establish contact to develop a second life for furniture. This marketplace will be the missing link to enable them to meet the growing demand for quality second life products. ” Says Arnaud Humbert-Droz, executive chairman of the eco-organization.

Valdelia’s bet is simple. The organization wants to generalize the use of second-life furniture among professionals. Create an ecosystem by offering wholesalers to resellers facing an increase in demand in this area. Second-life furniture can be used anywhere: classic workspace, reception of all types of customers …

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How does the marketplace work?

3 types of players are targeted and encouraged by Valdelia to set up an online store. Or, as Valdelia calls them, the selling organizations. Social and solidarity economy businesses, second-hand furniture sellers and upcyclers. As a reminder, upcyclers work with a recycled product to obtain a product of higher quality or utility. This implies a significantly greater effort of the imagination than in conventional recycling. These actors must create their online store. And then fill in the descriptions, prices and photos of the items as well as possible.

For there to be vendor companies that thrive in a (even virtual) market, you need buying organizations. Again, 3 different types are targeted. Space planners as well as professional furniture manufacturers and distributors. They connect to the portal in order to find what they are looking for among all the online stores.

They will then simply have to place an order. Come to an agreement with partner on transport and logistics arrangements for products or materials. at the time of writing these lines, there are 5 product categories available on the portal. Seats, desks and tables, storage furniture, decorative or anything related to bedding.

Another strong initiative from Valdelia in favor of the circular economy.