Do we really “Need” office space?

The traditional office is changing dramatically. Office space is the primary location where knowledge transfer occurs, and it is second only to salaries as the largest expense for most organizations. We find ourselves walking through a landscape of tall office buildings that house workforces that today are more mobile than ever.

After all, technology has had a significant impact on the way we operate. Now we can work from anywhere – well, as long as we have cell phone signal. Today’s office is not just about space. It’s about how we work, where we work, and the tools that enable us to work effectively and efficiently (from virtually anywhere). “Work where you want”.

We may work from our traditional homes and corporate offices, but ‘third place’, or alternative work environments are beginning to describe these new workspaces in which people can simply meet and work (see pages France the videos of the conferences on “Domicity” which took place during the recent Maison et Objets 2022/Paris).

After all, Green Life and telecommuting, Cradle to Cradle, are growing in popularity, which is reflected both in practice and in business environments. (to be seen at ORGATEC 2022). And today’s typical young professional, reacting to the long days at the office of their baby boomer parents, is eager to find a balance between time at home and at work.