Spanish theaters deploy UV-C lights to fight coronavirus

No more doubts on the question, the second wave of COVID has arrived. While most Western countries like France have decided to reconfine, Spain has not. Our Iberian neighbors have opted, certainly for economic reasons, for a curfew in the evenings and weekends. Cinemas and theaters may continue to open with reduced capacity. They therefore need to focus on innovation to fight the epidemic.

This is how two of the country’s oldest theaters have installed UV-C emitting lamps to eradicate COVID. In this case the opera Teatro Real de Madrid and the Teatro Rojas de Toledo. How does it work? Could we imagine a similar system in France? With the secret dream of seeing the containment measures lightened?

A Chinese lighting company distributed by Spanish people

Stonex, a Madrid-based stage lighting company, installed and supplied the equipment for these two 19th century Spanish theaters with UV emitters. These are fitted with a glass tube produced by the Chinese company Goldensea UV. These are quartz glass lamps that emit UV-C.

Goldensea, a Chinese company also known as Guangzhou Haoyang Electronic, manufactures and markets a range of UV-C glass tube lights for industrial markets emitting at 253.7 nm, according to its own website. The company also appears to use mercury vapor technology. Although Stonex has yet to confirm this information.

The different lighting installations to fight COVID-19

The Madrid theater is equipped with 2 UVM 216 units, tall, rectangular and mobile units. Who navigate between the stage and the rehearsal spaces. 4 UVL 150 lights are installed above the stage. These are therefore 6 sources of lighting that ensure the disinfection of the cultural space of Madrid.

The Teatro Rojas de Toledo has mounted two UVL 150 lights along the sides of the seats. This device is completed by a mobile UVM 216 lamp for the stage. And by two table units called the UVP36 which disinfect the backstage.

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Stonex supplies Goldensea lights in various shapes and sizes. They can be used in stages, seats and rehearsal spaces.

UV-C, a lighting technology that is not without risk

“UV-C” are ultraviolet rays with a wavelength between 280 and 100 nanometers. Unlike UV-A and UV-B, they are harmless. And cannot cause skin cancer. Produced from an artificial light source, the UV-C products have been used to fight bacteria and germs ever since, especially in hospitals. However, according to the American reference LEDs magazine, many UV-C certified lights are actually poorly designed and actually emit A or B rays. Which means they are harmful to the skin, especially with prolonged exposure. . Faced with this potential risk, the theaters in Madrid and Oviedo have decided that UV treatments will be done when the buildings are empty.

Due to the currently unknown nature of the virus, it seems difficult for professionals to guarantee 100% protection. Some exceptions remain, such as UV-C, officially recognized by major institutions such as the European Union as effective in all cases. Only shortcomings prevent further use of this technology. Unless the current situation changes the situation and makes the sector take a leap forward? Case to be continued.

Source LEDs Magazine