French furniture, accelerator of a responsible industry

While the French furniture market, impacted by the pandemic and the closure of outlets, fell by 4.8% in 2020 (source National Federation of Home Furnishings and Equipment) , the Xerfi Research Institute affirms that the furniture market should experience growth of 9% in 2021. This forecast is explained by a context of health crisis favorable to the home equipment sector. With the expansion of telecommuting, consumers have made significant investments in furniture.

According to the Furniture Studies and Promotion Institute, the sector recorded an increase in sales of furniture and interior design of 35.8% in June 2020, then 13.7% in August 2020 and by 12.8% in October 2020. In all, the French spent 60 billion euros on furniture, or nearly 5% of their total budget.

From object to project.

L’Ameublement français is a professional organization founded in 1960. It brings together 350 companies in the manufacture of furniture and planning of living spaces. The organization facilitates access of its members to national and international markets. It encourages innovation and know-how in order to adapt to the challenges of tomorrow. It is also committed to the benefit of a virtuous and sustainable industry.

This organization provides them with resources and initiates collective actions. Promoting sharing with all players in the value chain. From object to project. Convinced of the strength of the collective, Ameublement français is a committed player on political, economic and social scenes. In order to promote industrial excellence and the French art of living.

#Meublezvousfrançais, for a positive social and environmental impact!

An unprecedented alliance with distribution brings together Ameublement français with some thirty major distribution brands. The goal is, you will understand, to promote French products. Designed for the general public as well as professional markets, this campaign raises awareness of all buyers of products made in France.

In practice, this operation allows customers to quickly identify national productions in-store. Highlighted thanks to dedicated signage. In the form of a “Meublezvous français” logo and a slogan “made with heart in our regions”. The operation is also available on all the websites of distributors. Not to mention the brands’ social networks, with the viral hashtag #Meublezvousfrançais.

A production committed to jobs and the environment.

This campaign honors “women and men who work with heart in our regions,” explains the organization. It reminds us of all the advantages of the French offer to the French in favor of production committed to employment and the environment.

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Even though the massive use of remote work has revolutionized working methods, companies and third places remain true spaces for sharing. They are as much places of social connection, of sources of energy as of creativity. With its collective or individual spaces. Its cafeterias, meeting rooms, companies have as many uses as spaces to reinvent.

To meet these demands, combining performance and ergonomics, French manufacturers offer solutions. Solutions that combine comfort, innovation and modularity. Well-made and well-thought-out furniture, designed near you. The goal of made in France is therefore at the heart of the recovery plan. “By choosing French furniture, you are choosing to have a positive social and environmental impact for your business.”

Made with heart in our regions

According to the organization, French furnitures are “made with heart in our regions by more than 40,000 talented women and men. Men and women who participate every day in the excellence of French industry and in the dynamism of the regions. “. French furnitures are distinguished by the mastery of technical know-how and the use of innovative and environmentally friendly materials. These products respond to the uses of new working methods, with comfortable, flexible and user-friendly furniture.

Still according to the professional organization: “French furnitures place our living environments in a sustainable future by limiting the environmental footprint.” How? By promoting local resources, and by putting in place concrete measures for recycling and recovery of furniture waste. As such, in 2019, 93% of furniture waste was recycled. Allowing a landfill rate for furniture waste to fell from 50% in 2011 to 7% in 2018. With the objective of “zero waste” in 2023;

French furnitures re-enchant living spaces dedicated to work, in the spirit of the French art of living. French furnished offices: a committed choice! Containment and the health crisis have redrawn the contours of office life.

They joined the campaign

The manufacturers SOKOA, EUROSIT, GAUTIER OFFICE, BUROCEAN, MBA, SODEMATUB and the distributors BRUNEAU, MANUTAN COLLECTIVITES, LYRECO. Find all the information and the partner distributors on

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