Relocate to better confine yourself and handle work from home

After a weekend of tolerance, confinement really began this Tuesday throughout mainland France. Remote school, remote working, 10 km limit, travel certificate. For 62% of French people, the adaptation of their housing to confinement is imperfect. The opportunity for us to come back on a study published in our last issue of Ergonoma Journal (in French).

“Would you rather move to better support confinement and remote working?”, The answers are clear and unequivocal: more than 68% of French people answer in the affirmative. 44% of French people have not been able to adapt their accommodation for lack of money. Of the 33% who have fitted out their home, 57% have created a room for working from home. 62% of French people have not been helped at all by their business. More than one in two French people do not feel ready for this new confinement. 39% say they miss an extra part.

How do the French judge their accommodation in the light of confinement?

What would be the ideal arrangement for them? SettleSweet, specialist in support in finding accommodation and in helping people to settle in geographical mobility, conducted a survey of 11,128 people representative of the French national population, to better understand their spirit during this new phase of confinement.

Adapt … if we can!

For this new phase of confinement, more than 44% of French people were unable to adapt their housing due to lack of financial means and only 23% of the lucky ones already had everything they needed. Of the 33% who were able to make improvements, 57% set up a new room for home working. 27% bought computer equipment and 11% opted for a better web connection.

Little help from companies

Pushed to work from home, 62% of French people have not been suported at all by their company in helping to develop their home. 14% received full assistance and 24% only partially. Not yet perfect. Even if the French have adapted their housing, all is not yet rosy. Indeed, 62% consider the adaptation of their home to be imperfect and 21% consider it to be average. Only 17% find the changes made perfect.

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On your marks… not ready?

Even with the training of the first confinement, more than one in two French people do not feel at all ready for this new episode. Only 49% say they are prepared to stay confined. You are missing only one room … Apart from total freedom, what 39% of French people lack the most is an extra room, possibly for fitting out a completely independent office. 21% would also like to be able to benefit from a more pleasant and unobstructed view or an outdoor space at 15% and the presence of a park or green space for 14% of them.


Survey carried out between November 4 and 12, 2020 among 11,128 people representative of the French national population using the quota method. Survey conducted online, on the proprietary BuzzPress France panel, bringing together more than 24,772 people. Age distribution: 59% between 18-24 years, 24% between 25-49 years, 12% between 50-64 years and 5% over 65 years. PCS: farmers: 1%, craftsmen, traders and business leaders: 7%, executives and higher intellectual professions: 11%, intermediate professions (middle managers): 17%, employees and service staff: 25%, workers: 14%, retirees: 16%, without professional activity: 9%.