Plants are making a strong comeback in workspaces and desks.

Plants are making a strong comeback in workspaces and desks. It’s time for green and plants in the company! If the 2020 pandemic has distanced the
office employees and favored teleworking, the end of confinements heralds the return to the company offices of employees. Between the greening of the open-space, the meeting room and the individual office, let’s discover the latest 2023 green trends in the workplace.

What if we were talking about improving the environment through plants?

Making the workspace more human and more zen is perhaps the primary goal of revegetation desks. We sometimes-too often- forget that plants also participate in the renewal of the air and that they stabilize the rate of humidity and oxygen, while reducing the CO2 present in our interiors.

Now is the time to bring plants into the daily life of the company, allowing us some beneficial green transformations. How ? By following specialists in plants and biodiversity in business. Let’s discover these designers and creators who took the bet to successfully integrate plants as a beneficial element for the well-being of employees.

2023 is the year of the revival of plants in offices and open spaces.

How not to talk, in this month of February, about the 2023 vegetalization decoration trends? Ergonoma is this way a partner of various plant development professionals leading, for some time now, a common reflection on the subject.

Workspace Expo: meeting from April 4 at Paris Porte de Versailles.

First of all, let’s take the temperature on the side of the Workspace Expo, the tenth edition of which will be held in Paris from April 4 to 6, 2023 at Porte de Versailles. Ever closer to ergonomics work, the Workspace Expo shares with its visitors the trendy “10 years green space” by Karl Petit, architect and designer.

This show, European leader in design and layout of offices and workspaces, is waiting to introduce you to the latest developments in terms of plant decoration in the office. Meet landscapers and interior designers and discover what the green office will be like tomorrow.

Akagreen, the corporate florist

Let’s stop at Akagreen, the corporate florist to which Ergonoma has already devoted a article. Akagreen is a demanding enthusiast of sustainable biophilic plant design and focuses its offer around three turnkey formulas:
• the purchase and collaborative maintenance of plants;
• the purchase of plants and their maintenance included;
• rental with maintenance.
It’s up to you to choose what suits you.

Cadre Vert, indoor vegetal design

Plants in the office today go through designers. Their commitment creates a unprecedented relationship with the workspace and integrates stabilized plants in the decoration interior of the premises.

Cadre Vert gives a new identity to the company by installing green walls without interview. The company has chosen to work in a short supply chain and offers also green decorative accessories such as plant screens or noise barriers suitable for open spaces.

Les Jardins de Babylone bring the improvement of biodiversity

At the service of architects, designers and companies, Les Jardins de Babylone aim to improving biodiversity and the well-being of company employees within a space indoor and outdoor green. Benefit from a plant audit and a personalized design, whether or not your offices have an exterior by choosing this real landscaper for the layout of your premises.

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Les Jardins de Gally, the French exception

Rendez-vous in a landscape structure like no other with the Jardins de Gally. Besides the delivery of seasonal fruit baskets for events or the animation of workshops around the plants, the company operates on three complementary axes.

This way, les Jardins de Gally:
• advise you on biodiversity and plant design;
• create green walls;
• create your interior landscaping.
The company is also involved in the maintenance of plant facilities.

ExcelGreen, for lovers of maintenance-free green

ExcelGreen is a true pioneer in its field, participates in the revival of plants in the company by its many references in synthetic turf and high-end artificial plants

What do you think of installing an indoor artificial lawn in your premises? Bring a spirit of indoor garden by replacing your old flooring with a lawn in acid colors
or create a resolutely trendy and lively atmosphere.

GreenMood, corporate greening directly from Brussels

The designer Alain GILLES puts all his creativity at the service of GreenMood and its Design collection. Dare to dress your offices with cascades of plants, stabilized vegetated tables, green trellises and, why not, double-sided visual suspensions. Easily combine moss with stabilized natural green plants, all ingeniously
harmonized by sophisticated metal structures.

GreenMood makes it possible to create inspiring interiors in a peaceful atmosphere.

Find an interview with Alain GILLES in issue 58 (January 2020) of Ergonoma Journal.

Neogarden, the partner of landscapers and architects

Let’s continue discovering the establishments that matter in the plant landscape with Neogarden. This green wall specialist works with landscapers, architects and
individuals in the configuration and improvement of the living environment in the companies.

Neogarden also offers a plant rental service for professional events with the installation, dismantling and recovery of green walls.

A short tour of Finland with Naava, the intelligent plant wall

Who else but the Finns could invent the smart green wall? Naava offers walls vegetated with automatic watering using AI to control flow parameters
of air and ensure remote control of each connected wall. Naava takes care of absolutely everything.

Less maintenance, controlled interventions, replacement of plants if necessary and an adapted food supply, this is what the Finnish firm. With its sleek Scandinavian design, the Naava green wall is attached to a smart metal frame and can be installed on a stand or easily integrated into a wall.

Bloom inside, offers an eco-responsible approach to interior design

Before finishing our tour of the 2023 trends in office greening, let’s take the direction of Lyon and meet Bloom inside. Specialist in the design of work surfaces, Bloom inside is a partner of the Valdelia organisation which promotes upcycling and the second life of office furniture.

Greening workspaces is one of the company’s credos, which combines the layout interiors to the creation of green solutions at the service of employees and their offices or open-spaces.