The new seat, by Viasit :The design of the back is the most important innovation of Drumback designer, Ballendat

The Good Design Award, which was first introduced in 1950 by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in cooperation with the European Center for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies, is one of the most prestigious and oldest awards for product design. With the winning of the Good Design Award, Drumback has now received another prestigious award – the fourth in a row! There are good reasons why: creating an office chair that is ergonomic and affordable, environmentally friendly and comfortable – this was the challenge facing designer Martin Ballendat and Viasit’s own in-house development team.

The Good Design Award, which was first introduced in 1950 by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in cooperation with the European Center for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies, is one of the most prestigious and oldest awards for product design. With the winning of the Good Design Award, Drumback has now received another prestigious award – the fourth in a row! There are good reasons why: creating an office chair that is ergonomic and affordable, environmentally friendly and comfortable – this was the challenge facing designer Martin Ballendat and Viasit’s own in-house development team. The design of the back is the most important innovation of Drumback. Drumback also delivers environmental advantages when compared to a conventional mesh chair. With Drumback, there is less static stress because of the solid back support and this component is also made with noncomposite 100% recyclable polypropylene that can be re-made into chair backs over and over again.

Drumback also delivers environmental advantages when compared to a conventional mesh chair. With Drumback, there is less static stress because of the solid back support and this component is also made with noncomposite 100% recyclable polypropylene that can be re-made into chair backs over and over again.

Source Viasit

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