Acoustic panels, the solution against COVID 19?

The second confinement, announced in a large part of European countries since the end of October, raises questions. When will we get our life back? How will the new hygiene standards, which will remain in place after this unfortunate episode, impact our relationship at work? We think in particular of open spaces, these unique workspaces that have flourished in recent years at the same time as call centers.

“Open Spaces” are workspace designed to promote communication. They also turn out to be real catalysts for the transmission of bacteria. Solutions are starting to emerge. Like the use of acoustic panels. Yes, acoustic panels which, in addition to modulating noise, have proven to be very good protection against COVID-19 and other contagious diseases.

The importance of having an acoustic screen or partition

Attached to the floor or to the desk tops, acoustic panels have many advantages. First, it allows an open workspace to comply with regulations that have been issued regarding safety distances in workplaces. Thanks to acoustic panel, workspace is more secure and individualized. Second (we almost began to forget) the panels regulate noise. As a reminder, they absorb sound waves, in order to regulate the general volume in the workplace.

Acoustic panels therefore seem to respond to many current issues of workspace, especially open spaces. According to IFOP (French Institute of Public Opinion, an international polling and market research firm) survey on noise and hearing health in the workplace. More than 2/3 of employed workers (67%) say that the noise and noise pollution experienced at work has negative consequences on their daily health. The impersonal side of open spaces can also be solved by acoustic panels. Most of them are pleasantly designed objects. Modular, they can be adapted to all types of professional activities (catering, teaching, etc.). Finally, as mentioned above, the major asset of the acoustic panel in these troubled times remains its ability to fight COVID and other contagious diseases.

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The acoustic panel, the anti COVID 19 weapon?

In terms of health, acoustic panels are ideal for compartmentalizing and securing offices. They reduce the spread of microorganisms and pathogens. And therefore, are of significant help in the fight against COVID 19. The main concern at the moment. Partitions prevent the transit of bacteria. Panels are now equipped with anti-bacterial coatings and washable and resistant anti-odor finishes … They can therefore be easily cleaned with a microfiber cloth and soapy water. With a mask, of course, because you can never be too careful.

The acoustic panel therefore seems to be the ideal solution against COVID 19. This solution has been used in hospitals for many years. These establishments generally suffer from a high level of noise. COVID barrier therefore but first and foremost acoustic! The fight against noise pollution in the workplace remains the main objective. A danger which can cause cardiovascular disease in the event of prolonged exposure. Today, more than 3 million French people are potentially exposed to excessively high noise levels in their workplace.

The pandemic and the ensuing confinement force us to imagine and implement the future a little faster than expected. By observing the novelties and the new sanitary rules, one can imagine this future much more hygienic and individualized in the workplace. While acoustic panels are an integral part of the new workplace planning policy, the future could also be quieter, quieter and thus less stressful. In short, a future not so bad to imagine …