Stryker launches ProCuity, the smart hospital bed

In these times of confinement, it’s nice to see innovations in the medical world. US-based Stryker, founded in 1946 and growing into a medical device giant through 3 successive mergers in the 2010s, this week announced the commercialization of a smart hospital bed. Which is called ProCuity and which is about to be distributed in 70 countries. The first bed that works entirely with wireless technology.

A bed that aims to optimize the work of nurses but above all to limit the fall of patients. A problem noted by many caregivers. At a time when saturation is once again threatening hospitals, focus on this innovation in terms of medical equipment.

Patient falls, an unknown but very real problem

This is a brand-initiated study that is being put forward to justify the need for a smarter and safer hospital bed. It reveals that an overwhelming majority of nurses (97%) say they have already encountered a patient who has difficulty getting out of bed. 75% of them have even seen a patient hurt themselves. There are a total of one million injuries caused by falls from hospital beds worldwide. A figure that will inevitably increase in the coming weeks, news requires. The ProCuity was therefore designed to increase patient safety and facilitate the work of nurses.

High-end and innovative medical equipment

Located at a low height of 30cm, the ProCuity is ergonomically designed. It is equipped with the latest technologies promoting safe handling of the patient. It helps reduce fall-related injuries thanks to the following innovations:

  • The possibility of having no wired connection. The Secure Connect wireless solution makes it the only bed on the market that can connect wirelessly to nurse call systems. Plus, with iBed Wireless, all bed data, including bed configuration and exit alarm activity, is wireless compatible with facility hospital information systems (HIS). ProCuity can also integrate with the optional clinical dashboard. This gives caregivers increased visibility into the safe bed configuration. Finally, touch screens, allowing easier and more fluid access to patient data, have also been installed.
  • Bed alarms. They use load cell technology. That detects a patient’s weight and alerts nurses if the patient is no longer in bed.
  • Ergonomic three-position Secure Assist side rails. This facilitates the entry and exit of the patient as well as the interaction between the latter and the nurse. Working in a “clockwork” fashion, the side rails stay tightly close to the bed, preventing unnecessary interference with any nearby furniture.
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An improved patient experience too

The patient’s experience was also taken into account. The Procuity has an integrated bed extension, which allows the bed to stretch an additional length. It also comes with a USB port and holder to allow patients to charge and store personal electronic devices.

With the announcement of its launch last week, there is currently no review of ProCuity other than Stryker’s (overwhelming) one. No pricing idea was also released. However, in view of its many advanced technologies, one can think that the ProCuity will be a real help for the nursing staff. Because it’s a safe bet that in the coming weeks, nurses will have other things to do than deal with injuries caused by falls of their patients.