Innophys: CE certification, key to European market.

Innophys is a Japanese company known for its “Muscle Suit Every” work-assisting exoskeleton. A high-performance exoskeleton that will be able to be marketed in the European Union from 2021. The company has just received a green light from the authorities in the form of CE certification. Another major step forward for a booming sector in Europe, and in the world. Because the advances are spectacular.

Last month, French scientists unveiled a prototype that allows a man with paralysis to walk again using signals from his brain. A little zoom on the most promising startups and solutions on the old continent. Because exoskeletons may be changing the world.

Innophys will market “Muscle Suit Every” …

The Japanese company obtained CE certification on December 10, 2020, a green light from the institutions. Its flagship product “Muscle Suit Every” is eagerly awaited by those in the know. It is a robotic suit for assisting in the workplace. It lightens the load on the user’s back when doing hard work. Like lifting a heavy object or person and maintaining a semi-squat position. The motorized exoskeleton weighs only 3.8 kilograms but can provide up to 25.5 kgf of assistive force to its user. It can be used in many professional environments. Like hospitals, logistics, construction or agriculture. At the end of December 2020. More than 16,000 units had already been sold.

… And joins ultra innovative companies in Europe

The arrival of the Japanese company adds to the growing list of European companies already present in the field. The old continent is not to be outdone. A brief overview of the most promising solutions


Wandercraft is a French company created in 2012 by Nicolas Simon. It has raised almost 25 million euros to date. It offers a technology aimed at treating lesions of the spinal cord. She plans to adapt her system to fight stroke before the end of the year.

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The Spanish company has developed Hank, the first CE certified exoskeleton for clinical use. It is considered to be the six-motor medical exoskeleton that allows for the widest movement. The company has also developed a partnership with the National Hospital of Toledo. In order to apply its technology for patients with spinal cord injuries.


Tendo is a Swedish startup founded by Sofie Woge in 2016. It is developing a portable robotic upper exoskeleton as part of the European RobotUnion program. This “glove” weighs only 250 grams. It can thus help a person to grasp, hold and release objects.

Marsi Bionics

Another Spanish company (a country definitely active on the subject), it raised 3 million euros to launch its exoskeleton for a child’s leg Atlas. An exoskeleton that will be sold for an incredible 61 euros (or 20 euros subscription).


The Dutch company is developing exoskeletons for large-scale manufacturing companies. An exoskeleton that supports the arms and back, weighing just 2 kilos in total.


This other company from the Netherlands is the first company to offer an exoskeleton specifically targeting the lower back. A device weighing only 2.8 kilos. The concept is attractive. It has already raised more than 3 million euros and has more than 200 clients.

Able Human Motion

And another Spanish company. More precisely the emanation of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She is developing an exoskeleton for patients with spinal cord injuries with certain hip mobility injuries.

Exoskeleton innovations are therefore legion in Europe. The sector is booming and attracts investors. Enough to envision a bright future for working conditions.