Capsa Healthcare’s high-tech Trio mobile computer workstation

Capsa Healthcare is the world leader in development and innovation in the healthcare industry. And it’s an understatement to say that the 400-employee company headquartered in Portland, USA has just taken a hit. At the end of the summer, she announced the launch of the Trio mobile computing workstation. A workstation for caregivers. So mobile, so that it can be used with patients without them having to travel.

As a reminder, a workstation is a kind of improved PC. A PC with improved computing and battery life. Very popular with architects, engineers and researchers, for example. What does this Trio look like and (especially) how will it improve the daily life of the nursing staff, this is what we will try to see.

Cutting-edge medical equipment

In the form of a medical cart, the Trio innovates in the area of feeding systems. These, combined with the improved N-Sight (cloud-based) fleet management software, enable ultra-fast data flow and simplified flow visualization. The Trio is also equipped with N-Stride steering assistance, which makes it easy to move. Power is supplied by the scalable next-generation GoLife power platform. This allows it to exceed 24 hours. But beyond these technical feats which may seem abstract to laymen, how will the Trio concretely make life easier for nursing staff?

A multi-use mobile workstation

“Providing caregivers with an intuitive and optimized user experience to support their care routine is at the heart of the Trio’s design. With a focus on user-specific ergonomics and superior performance, in a lightweight and compact workstation, we have developed a solution that will serve as a reliable partner for caregivers, ”said Craig Rydingsward, vice president of sales. It must be said that Trio can be used for a variety of applications. Like telehealth, patient registration and monitoring, and even phlebotomy (incision of a vein). But above all, it will facilitate the tasks of doctors in the following areas:

  • Medication administration, thanks to the flexible MaxBin storage system that offers large capacity bins and soft-close drawers
  • An intuitive control center with touchscreen navigation. This allows the doctor to navigate the screen to the most useful information and the means of communication with his colleagues. The habits of each user can be preset.
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The USA, fertile ground for medical innovation

“With the addition of Trio, our product portfolio now offers customers an unrivaled range of technological medical equipment.” It was with these words that Avi Zisman, President of Capsa Healtcare, presented his latest product. As he knows, the medical equipment market in the USA is very fond of advanced technology. This is due to the ultra economic liberalization of the sector. Liberalization which induces absolute competition at all levels. With an economic weight equivalent to the GDP of France, the American medical market is not likely to see the disappearance of presentations of revolutionary products like that of Avi Zisman.

The Trio Mobile Computer Workstation was designed with clear intent. That of facilitating the routine tasks of the nursing staff. So that he can return to his lifelong vocation: to manage and calm human relations in the hospital environment. For their greatest happiness, and that of the patients.