The Bambach saddle chair: a dynamic sitting position

The standardization of equipment for fitting out classic workstations means that today, with a population on average 10cm greater than 100 years ago, the height of fixed desks and tables still remains the same, hence a position sitting more and more kyphotic (person with a rounded back but who can stand up straight if asked). In humans, the spine has four natural curvatures: cervical lordosis (hollowed out aspect of the neck), thoracic kyphosis (the back bump), lumbar lordosis (hollow at the bottom of the back), and finally sacral / coccygeal kyphosis. The latter is fixed.

A story of weight and equipment

Bad posture results in changes in the curves described by the spine: vertebrae in lordosis can describe kyphosis and the term then designates a pathological condition.

The weight of a seated person is distributed over the seat according to the type of seat. On a traditional office chair or on a one-part saddle chair, the pressure applied by the seat is distributed over a wide area in the thighs, buttocks and genitals. All of them can cause adverse health effects. Blood and lymphatic circulation can be disturbed. Numbness of soft tissues, disturbances in the metabolism of the pelvis area, dysfunctions of the nervous system and sexual impotence in men. All of them are problems that a sedentary person can encounter due to poor posture.

In a saddle seat divided into two parts, the pressure of the seat is exerted on the sit bones instead of soft tissue. In this way, the central slit saddle seat contributes to freer blood and lymphatic circulation. The uptake of oxygen and nutrients is increased throughout the body. This reduces muscle tension and the feeling of fatigue.

The saddle seat was born

An Australian occupational therapist, Mary Gale née Bambach, a participant in a riding program for children with disabilities, was fascinated to find that children usually strapped to their wheelchairs could sit on the back of a horse without any other posture. Wanting to extend this rewarding posture. Both physically and mentally. She created a seat in the shape of a horse saddle: the “Bambach Saddle Seat

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A saddle seat is an ergonomic sit-stand seat that resembles a riding saddle. Thanks to the positive effects on the body, these chairs are more and more popular among professionals. One of the first was “Sella”, designed by the brothers Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni and launched on the market in 1957 by Zanotta

Technically, how does that help?

But back to Mary Gale. As she followed other patients in various professions, she soon found that her saddle was still just as effective. The Bambach saddle chair ensures a dynamic sitting position. The pelvis is vertical. Keeping the spine its natural “S” arch. The guy wires (action of keeping in place or restricting in its movements an object or a part of the body by means of an adapted link.) The spine, the muscular tensions are weak. Intra-disc pressures are reduced and therefore the risk of mechanical wear causing pain is reduced. At the same time, this posture generates less compression of the stomach and the rib cage. Oxygenation and digestion are thus improved. The muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh are not supported. Venous return is less hampered: the sensations of cuts and tingling in the lower limbs are therefore limited

Bambach was one of the first companies whose headquarters were inspired by horseback riding. The company has been manufacturing chairs since 1988 and the Bambach chair has conquered the medical profession. It brings them unparalleled comfort and mobility. It is also very popular among the liberal professions. In the office and in industry it is often acclaimed. Its distributor in France is Gammadis.